Kerry Brooks Pottery

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The Little Gallery proudly carries Kerry Brooks Pottery. 
"I threw my first pot when I was 26. I was just looking for a hobby, and never dreamed it would lead to becoming a professional potter.  I took my first class at the Ann Arbor Art Association while studying other things at the University of Michigan.  Then I started selling pots about 5 years later, and by 1995 was making a living as a potter.  I was the very worst one in my beginning wheel-throwing class, but I didn’t care because it was great fun and I loved it."

As Dock 6 Pottery has grown over the years, I’ve had to evolve into a business manager and not just a potter. Interestingly, however, this same growth has actually made me a better potter. As time for creating has become more precious, my priorities for what I want to make have distilled and clarified. I take more time to think, sketch, and prepare for what I want to make so that every minute I have at my wheel counts.

Seeing someone use something I made is the best feeling in the world. Making beautiful things people will use everyday is what inspires me the most and drives me to make new things. I think of every cup, plate, and coaster as a small piece of functional art. Bringing affordable art to everyday people is what keeps me motivated and makes my soul happy".

Pieces of Kerry Brooks Pottery featured in The Little Gallery